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·Millennium ancient castle: Shujiatang Castle of Fenghuang old city, Hunan Province  ·Chengde City scenery, Hebei Province  ·The ancient capital of the world's cultural: Cairo  ·Keqi Baiyinchagan Prairie Of Chifeng City  ·Taishan Mountain  ·Huanghe River  ·Morning of the World: Bali, one of Asia's gems  ·Jingzhou Puti Temple, Hubei Province  ·Beijing Changping Park celebrate the coming of Spring Snow  ·Greece Scenery  ·Xiamen City landscape, Fujing Province  ·Charm China: Eastern Elements  ·Sansu Shrine of Meishan, Sichuang Province  ·Clouds of Meng Mountains  ·Dali old city of Yunnan Province  
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·Macao ·Manzhoul..
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